Monday, May 7, 2018

Day 13 - Bear Creek to Just Shy of Gila

4/27/2018. About 15 miles. 

This was a tough day. We started out of the Bear Creek valley with lots of water. We thought it would be dry. But decent water for about 4 miles. 

Lots and lots of uphill.  Tough uphill! All the way up to 8000 feet again. Water was ok, and included a spring in the middle of the trail. But past the waypoint for it. A local told us to fill to our limits. We needn’t have. 

Going downhill my knee started bothering me. Suspect a pull or strain of some type from yesterday’s tumble. 

We camped off the dirt road just before the Gila. Decent spot. But my knee bothered me most of the night. 

Day 12 - Silver City to Gila

4/26/2018. About 15.8 miles. 

We started the day by heading to the Silver City Cafe for eggs, sausage, hash browns, toast and milk!  It opens at 0700. So we got on the trail by 0800. 

The trail was actually the road through and out of town. At about the 5.5 mile mark it became a dirt road. 

We stopped at a Gila NF spot with picnic tables and water. The toilets were still locked. 

The dirt road narrows after a while and goes through pine forests. Nice!  Still dusty and dry. We stopped for lunch on actual (dried) grass. 

Unfortunately the road got terrible. Steep, rocky and at times covered in loose sand and gravel. I took a tumble. 

At about the 13 mile point we got to Bear Creek. Our second water source. Up the dry stream bed we came to flowing water. The water report suggested only puddles ahead so we got nearly four liters. Then walked along the flowing stream to our campsite. 

My tarp has been a nightmare. The stake broke, the new tensioners didn’t work and tonight I pitched it upside down. It’s too embarrassing to show you a photo. 

Hope we don’t get a hard rain. Good night. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Day 11 - Zero in Silver City.

4/25/2018. About 2-3 miles. :)

Basically we took a zero because we are slow getting chores done in town. 

Don’t count on any kind of decent backpacking equipment replacement. They seem focused on bikes. Not a tent in town, even though they have three stores. We tried to buy some expendables, but they were out of everything since they had bike races last week. 

If you stay near the Walmart you are far from the historic district. If you stay at the historic district you are far from Walmart. 

We’ll leave in the morning. 

Day 10 - Over Gray’s Peak to Silver City

4/24/2018. Only walked about 9 miles today. 

The sunrise was fantastic. But the wind blew that dirt/dust into my face all night. The moon was like a bright flood lamp. 

We got started early and it was a moderate climb up to about 8,000 ft. Then downhill to Mud Springs for our water. 

There was a metal basin with yucky looking water. Down below was a trough that I think gets deep from the tank. It was clear but so shallow we had lots of particulates. We dumped that and filled up 4 liters with the yucky stuff. But few floaters. I used Steripen and AquaMira. 4 liters was overkill. 

After snacks, we started back to the Ley alternate down Deadman’s Canyon. The CDT primary trail was 20 miles longer with no promise of water. 

The canyon hike was nice. But it ended in a wide, graded dirt road. Busy. After a long uphill in the sun and heat, Landstar stuck his thumb out. The second ones by gave us a lift to the highway. Nice folks and we shared a seat with the dog. 

When we got to the 12.6 mile highway walk, Landstar stuck his thumb out again, and the third vehicle stopped. It was a small Chevy sedan with three ladies. I don’t know how we all fit. We got to see Silver City suburbs while they dropped off their friend in the back seat with us. Then they took us downtown to the post office. I’m amazed how friendly and courteous the people are out here. 

We called and got a couple of rooms at the Palace in the historic district. Lots of history. 

After laundry and the post office, we went to Diane’s for dinner. Good but over-priced. 

No air in this hotel so I’ve got the window open and fan turning. 

Good night. 

Day 9 - Windmill to 7100 ft

4/23/2018. About 15 miles today. To campsite up 7200 ft on 8000 ft Gray’s peak. 

Trail magic (soda, water and apple) at base of peak let us cook. Thank you!!

Today was rolling hills, with wooded and exposed sections. Lots slower. Two other teams of guys (much younger) all got the same distance. Some really nice vistas up here.  More people down there than I thought were in this area. 

One of my titanium stakes broke this morning when pulling it out. So I am cowboy camping again. So is Landstar. 

Not a lot else to say. They’ve done a marvelous job on this section of trail. Good night!

CDT Day 8 - Lordsburg to Windmill

4/22/2018 Mile 103.2

We got up and went to McD’s at 5:15 am. And were on the trail by 6:00 am. The day was mostly overcast with a moderate breeze. Nicest yet. 

It was more desert floor walking for the morning. Then rolling rising hills up to about 6,200 ft. A cow tank at 14 miles was ok, but since the cows were drinking we skipped it. 

We stopped at a solar well with a spigot and got 4 liters each before the solar power gave out. The others weren’t so lucky. After dinner I got a liter from the tank. 

Water tomorrow is at 10 and 20 miles. 

We set up cowboy camps next to a downed tree. I got to set on something while eating!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

CDT Day 7 - Zero in Lordsburg

4/21/2018.  I don’t have zeros planned but will obviously take one. With the blister (better), the hacking cough, and serious sinus drainage, I thought this was a good place to take one. Decent motel, good food and adequate shopping. 

I believe the hacking cough is a reaction to dust and sand blown up my sinuses and down my throat. Everyone seems to get a cough, but mine was bad enough it kept me up last night. 

As soon as the stores opened I bought some MusinexDM and saline rinse. I also got a Claritin equivalent just in case. I don’t like walking with medicine, but it’s better than stopping here. 

Terrain is supposed to rise and have more vegetation on the way to Silver City. But the water is supposed to be harder to find due to the extreme drought. I’ll probably have to carry 4 liters again instead of the 2 1/2 or less the last few days. That extra few pounds makes a lot more ‘felt’ weight than you would expect. 

I’ve got everything ready to put back in the pack. So figure I will study our route, eat, and watch TV for the rest of the day.